Share your views on the future of the electricity grid

THE House of Representatives Environment and Energy Committee is continuing its inquiry into modernising Australia’s electricity grid. As part of the inquiry, the Committee is encouraging members of the community to share their views on the electricity system via an online questionnaire.

The Chair of the Committee, Andrew Broad MP, said that input from individuals, households, and businesses is a valuable part of the inquiry.

“The Committee would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to complete the questionnaire. We have received thousands of responses to date and are looking forward to receiving more responses as the inquiry progresses,” Mr Broad said.

The Deputy Chair of the Committee, Mr Pat Conroy MP, said the Committee had received evidence about the important role for consumers in shaping the future of the electricity grid.

“New technology is changing the way in which consumers interact with the grid. It is important for the Committee to understand these changes, and how consumers’ expectations of the electricity system are likely to evolve into the future,” Mr Conroy said.

Further information is available on the inquiry website, at

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website.


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