Cybersecurity hearing in Canberra

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will hold a hearing for its Inquiry into Cybersecurity Compliance based on the Auditor-General’s report No. 42 (2016-17) Cybersecurity Follow-up Audit on Friday, June 2, in Canberra.

Committee Chair Senator Dean Smith said the JCPAA is interested to hear how the audited agencies are improving their cyber resilience.

“With an increasing threat of cyber intrusions, it is more important than ever that Government agencies are cyber resilient,” Senator Smith said.

Compliance with the Government’s mitigation strategies is an important step for agencies to protect their systems and secure the continued delivery of Government business.

The Australian Signals Directorate has a list of strategies to assist agencies to achieve cybersecurity resilience and at least 85 percent of targeted cyber intrusions would be prevented if the top four strategies were fully implemented.

The Auditor-General found the Australian Taxation Office and Department of Immigration and Border Protection had not implemented the top four strategies since they were last audited.

The Committee will hear from witnesses from both Departments at the hearing.

Public hearing details: 8.30am – 10.30 am, Friday 2 June, Committee Room 1R1, Parliament House, Canberra

A copy of the full hearing program can be found at the Committee's website.

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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