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Smart Cities answer to exploding urbanisation: University of Sydney School Of Business

SMART intervention based on the latest technology and big data will help to overcome the challenges of density, population and traffic resulting from growing urbanisation, according to a global authority on digitally transformation and the application of smart city thinking.

Governor Martin O’Malley, a former Governor of the US state of Maryland and mayor of Baltimore, now chairs the advisory board of MetroLab Network, a White House backed alliance of cities and universities working on urban innovation.

Under Governor O’Malley’s leadership from 2007 to 2015, Maryland was transformed from one of the poorest performing US states to one of the strongest with the recovery of all of the jobs lost during the Global Financial Crisis.

On Wednesday 31st May, Governor O’Malley will address students at the University of Sydney School Of Business, on the key elements of smart city planning and their implementation across industries and businesses.

The address, a part of the Business School’s Leadership and Policy Seminar Series, will be Governor O’Malley’s only public appearance during his Australian visit sponsored by Esri Australia, which provides location intelligence based on Geographic Information Systems.

Event Details

Date:               Wednesday 31st May 2017

Time:              11.30 AM to 12.30 Noon

Venue:            Learning Studio 3100, 3rd Floor

University of Sydney Business School

Cnr Codrington and Abercrombie Streets, Darlington
