Public hearing to examine Commonwealth infrastructure spending

PARLIAMENT’s Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will hold a public hearing tomorrow for its inquiry into Commonwealth infrastructure spending, based on two recent reports tabled by the Auditor-General: ANAO Report No. 14 (2015–16) relating to the East West Link Project, and ANAO Report No. 38 (2016–17) into the WestConnex Project.

Committee Chair, Senator Dean Smith, said that infrastructure projects can be large and nationally significant undertakings, offering the potential for important economic and social benefits. As a result, departments need to provide sound advice, actively protect the Commonwealth’s interests, and obtain value for money for taxpayers.

“The Auditor-General has examined the processes supporting the funding approvals for two recent road projects: WestConnex in Sydney and East West Link in Melbourne. The audits provide important insights into the quality of advice supporting infrastructure funding decisions and how departments are managing key risks through payment arrangements and agreements.”

“The Committee will be discussing the findings of the audits with the ANAO, the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and the Department of the Treasury. The Committee will also discuss the progress made by these departments toward implementing ANAO recommendations,” Senator Smith said.

The JCPAA is the Parliament’s joint public administration committee. The Committee scrutinises the governance, performance and accountability of Commonwealth agencies, and has the power to inquire into all expenditure of Commonwealth money.

Further information about the inquiry can be accessed via the Committee’s website.


Public hearing details: 9:00am - 10:30am, Wednesday 29 March, Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

ANAO Report No. 14 (2015–16) Approval and Administration of Commonwealth Funding for the East West Link Project
Australian National Audit Office
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Department of the Treasury

ANAO Report No. 38 (2016–17) The Approval and Administration of Commonwealth Funding for the WestConnex Project
Australian National Audit Office
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Department of the Treasury

This hearing will be streamed live  at hearing program is available from the Committee website.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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