Creative and employer organisations to discuss innovation and creativity with committee.

AS PART of its inquiry into Innovation and Creativity: Workforce for the New Economy  the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training will hear from various creative and employer organisations in a series of public hearing roundtables to be held in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Committee Chair Mr Andrew Laming MP said hearing from those working in creative industries and from employer groups was very important to the Committee.

“As an inquiry focusing on Innovation and Creativity in relation to the Workforce for a New Economy it will be good to hear from a wide variety of creative and employer organisations across three days in three of Australia’s major cities,” Mr Laming said.

Committee Deputy Chair Ms Terri Butler MP said she was looking forward to hearing from the organisations.

“The Committee has taken a lot of evidence on innovation and balancing this with some good discussions around creativity will be very useful and interesting. The roundtable forum will be a good way to allow witnesses to address each other and collaborate to bring the best views to the Committee,” Ms Butler said.

Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.


Public hearing details

Sydney Public Hearing Roundtable details:
Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 12:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Date: Tuesday 14 March 2017
Location: Sydney Masonic Centre – Conference and Function Centre “Composite Room”
66 Goulburn Street Sydney

Melbourne Public Hearing Roundtable details:
12:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Date: Wednesday 15 March 2017
Location: Victorian Parliament, Room G1, 55 St Andrews Place

Sydney Public Hearing Roundtable details:
9.00 am – 11.00 am
Date: Thursday 16 March 2017
Location: Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Level 36 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street Brisbane

Programs are available here.

The public hearing will be live broadcast and available at

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training

(02) 6277 4573 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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