IPA and Deakin university: leading global voice for SME sector

THE IPA-Deakin University SME Research Centre has been officially launched at a special event in Melbourne today. 

The Centre is an expansion of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and Deakin University SME Research Partnership that published the first-ever Australian Small Business White Paper in 2015.  The dedicated SME Research Centre is located within the Deakin Business School and is set to drive the development of small business globally. 

Giving the keynote address at today’s event, the former Federal Minister for Small Business and inaugural Chair of the Research Centre’s Advisory Board, Bruce Billson congratulated the IPA and Deakin University for the collaboration and commitment being made to the small business/SME sectors.

“This is such an exciting initiative and genuinely shows that the critical role played by small business in a modern and emerging economy is being taken seriously,” said Mr Billson.\

“I am delighted to play a role in this endeavour, having accepted the opportunity to chair the Centre’s Advisory Board.  Together, we will drive great results for the advancement of small businesses and SMEs."

IPA chief executive officer, Prof Andrew Conway said: “Through the IPA Deakin SME Research Centre, we want to ensure there is a rigorous evidential base as the foundation of future policy that will drive ongoing discourse and provide a credible voice for small businesses and SMEs globally.

“The Centre’s work will deliver applied research in relation to SMEs with expanded reference to the growth of SMEs and their respective trade links globally.  Already the Centre is actively engaged with academics in the UK to focus on that market.

"This will be important in light of the impact of Brexit on the economy and business in general and particularly in considering trade and investment while the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations between the UK, Australia and the EU are ongoing,” said Prof. Conway.

Professor Mike Ewing, Executive Dean of the Deakin University Business School said the partnership with the IPA was pivotal to delivering genuine outcomes for the SME sector.

“We have already achieved great outcomes, including the Australian Small Business White Paper, however, ongoing momentum is required to drive successful policy that would enhance the productivity of small businesses and SMEs,” said Prof Ewing.


About the Institute of Public Accountants

The IPA, formed in 1923, is one of Australia’s three legally recognised professional accounting bodies.  In late 2014, the IPA acquired the Institute of Financial Accountants in the UK and formed the IPA Group, the largest SME focused accountancy organisation in the world, with more than with more than 35,000 members and students in over 65 countries.  The IPA is a member of the International Federation of Accountants, the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board and the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants.  The IPA was recognised in 2012 as Australia’s most innovative accounting organisation and listed in the top 20 in the 2012 BRW Most Innovative Companies List.


About the IPA Deakin SME Research Centre

The IPA-Deakin SME Research Centre conducts multidisciplinary research on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and not-for-profit enterprises (NFPs). Focusing on bringing together practitioner insights with world-class research, we provide informed comment for substantive policy development.

In June 2013, Deakin University partnered with the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) to form the IPA-Deakin SME Research Partnership, a first in Australia, located within the Faculty of Business and Law. The Centre aims to expand our existing portfolio of research and consultancy for SMEs and NFPs. 

The Centre is affiliated with leading international SME researchers and research centres, such as Professor Robert Blackburn and the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University (UK), Professor Marc Cowling (University of Brighton, UK) and Emeritus Professor Gordon Murray (University of Exeter, UK).

The Centre aims to contribute to policy development in Australia, UK and other countries in areas of relevance to accountants, the accounting and finance profession and in the public interest.  Since 2013, this has included, financial services and financial markets, innovation policy, competition policy, regulation, macro and micro economic issues, trade and investment policy, taxation, retirement incomes policy, sustainability and governance.

In 2015, the Partnership released the landmark Small Business White Paper which has been well received and has influenced the policy platform in Australia. The Research Centre will be working on the next evolution of the White Paper; and other issues of importance in an increasingly connected world. 

The Centre is managed through the Deakin Business School and is co-directed by Professors Barry Cooper, George Tanewski, Andrew Conway and Associate Professor Julie Clarke.

The Advisory Board comprises:

Bruce Billson (Chair), Former Federal Minister for Small Business;

Su McCluskey, Chairman, Energy Renaissance;

Tim Reid, Founder & Host, The Small Business Big Marketing Show;

Dr Michael Schaper, Deputy Chair, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission;

Bernadette Uzelac, CEO, Geelong Chamber of Commerce;

Prof Robert Blackburn, Associate Dean Research, Director of The Small Business Research Centre

Kingston University, UK;


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