Public Accounts Committee starts new inquiries

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has launched new inquiries into Commonwealth procurement, performance and risk management as part of its examination of Auditor-General reports.

These new inquiries form the first tranche of the Committee’s work in the 45th Parliament.

The JCPAA is a central committee of the Parliament and has the power to initiate its own inquiries on the Commonwealth public sector. The Committee examines all reports of the Auditor-General tabled in the Parliament and can inquire into any items, matters or circumstances connected with these reports. A large number of Auditor-General reports have been tabled since the Committee last met in May 2016, prior to the dissolution of the 44th Parliament.

The newly elected Committee Chair, Senator Dean Smith, said that the JCPAA examines whether public money is used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner.

“As Parliament’s joint public administration committee, the JCPAA has an important role in holding Commonwealth agencies to account, and our inquiries further strengthen the performance and accountability of agencies entrusted with billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money,” Senator Smith said.

“The Committee is focusing on common audit themes identified by the Auditor-General. By taking a thematic approach to these inquiries, the Committee seeks to encourage improvements and shared learning in key areas of public administration.”

“Reports presented by the Auditor-General are valuable because they identify issues requiring improvement and detail examples of sound public administration.”

The Committee has commenced the following inquiries based on audit reports, focused on:

  • Commonwealth procurement—procurement under the OneSKY Australia Program; delivery of health services in onshore immigration detention; and procurement of garrison support and welfare services in offshore processing centres in Nauru and Papua New Guinea
  • Commonwealth performance framework—implementation of appropriate performance information by departments to strengthen accountability, including in the Higher Education Loan Program
  • Commonwealth risk management—risk assessment processes to ensure effective monitoring and reporting of the Disability Support Pension
  • Public sector governance—the cost effectiveness of efforts to streamline regulation

The Committee invites submissions to the inquiries, addressing the terms of reference. Submissions are requested by Monday, 7 November 2016. Public hearings will be held from late November 2016. Further information about the inquiries can be accessed via the Committee’s website.

The Committee’s inquiries are based on the following Auditor-General reports:

Commonwealth procurement:

  • No. 1 (2016-17) Procurement of the International Centre for Complex Project Management to Assist on the OneSKY Australia Program
  • No. 13 (2016-17) Delivery of Health Services in Onshore Immigration Detention
  • No. 16 (2016-17) Offshore Processing Centres in Nauru and Papua New Guinea: Procurement of Garrison Support and Welfare Services

Commonwealth performance framework

Commonwealth risk management

Public sector governance


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