Resource employers congratulate ministers

AUSTRALIA’s national resource industry employer group, AMMA, congratulates ministers Michaelia Cash, Josh Frydenberg and Matthew Canavan on their reappointment/appointment to portfolios critical to the future of Australia’s resource employers, employees and communities.

AMMA chief executive Steve Knott says Senator Cash has proven to be an extremely knowledgeable and consultative Minister for Employment who brings a strong appreciation for the resource industry and its importance to Australia’s economy and living standards.

“Since taking on the employment portfolio less than 12 months ago, Minister Cash has successfully secured the passage of the first, and long overdue, amendments to Australia’s workplace relations laws in more than three years,” Mr Knott says.

“The minister has also made highly regarded appointments to the Fair Work Commission (FWC); simultaneously improving the proportion of women in the tribunal to one-in-three commissioners. The modernisation of the FWC is a work in progress and AMMA encourages Minister Cash to continue to ensure government institutions better reflect the gender composition of the Australian community.

“As Minister for Women, Ms Cash has also championed gender diversity in the resource industry, maintaining Labor and Coalition government support for AMMA’s Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA), including funding hundreds of women to complete its innovative e-Mentoring program.”

The resource industry is now looking to the government to drive further, vitally important workplace relations reform that the preceding parliament was incapable of legislating.

“Resource employers want to see the government deliver its election commitments to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and return to sensible and balanced laws for union entry into workplaces,” Mr Knott says.

“The industry is also eagerly awaiting a response to the Productivity Commission’s December 2015 recommendations to fix pressing problems with Australia’s workplace relations framework.”

Mr Knott also welcomes the appointments of Senator Matthew Canavan to the Resources and Northern Australia portfolio, and Minister Josh Frydenberg to the Environment and Energy portfolio.

“AMMA looks forward to working with Senator Canavan to ensure that the resource industry can continue to attract investment and generate ongoing employment and economic benefits for the nation,” he says.

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with Minister Frydenberg in his new Environment and Energy portfolio. Mr Frydenberg has proven to be a proactive and consultative minister who understands the importance of a diverse energy mix to Australia’s future prosperity.

“The resource industry also thanks Minister Greg Hunt for his global leadership on the environment and will maintain a collaborative relationship with him in his new key portfolio of Industry, Innovation and Science.”


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