RSRT payments order inquiry: community meetings underway

THE FIRST of a series of community meetings on the impact the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal’s (RSRT) Payments Order had on small businesses was held in Adelaide this morning.

Hosted by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Kate Carnell, the meeting was an opportunity for owner-drivers and their families to contribute to the ASBFEO’s inquiry into the effect the Order had on their operations.

“A number of owner-drivers along with representatives from associated businesses came along and shared their experiences on this important issue for the industry,” Ms Carnell said.

“We were also pleased to welcome representatives from the Transport Workers Union, who after staging a small protest outside the venue, eventually came and joined the meeting.

“While all but one of the union representatives left the meeting early, they did participate in the discussion and, like everyone else, were given time to present their views.

“It’s important to remember, my office works independently of government; our sole purpose is to advocate and assist small business owners around the country.

“Road safety is vitally important for all road users, however the purpose of this particular inquiry is to examine the impact the RSRT’s Payments Order had on the operation of small businesses, before, during and after its implementation.

“This morning for instance we heard from small business truck drivers and others, that the impact the Order had on their livelihood was significant, and in many cases the financial ramifications are ongoing.

“There are other meetings planned around the country, and we look forward to welcoming anyone who would like to attend, to come along, express their views and contribute to this important inquiry,” Ms Carnell said.

Dates for future community meetings are also on the website.

Those wishing to contribute to the inquiry can do so at: 




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