ASBFEO to examine RSRT impact

THE impact of the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal’s (RSRT) Payments Order on small business owner-truck drivers will be investigated by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO).

As set out under section 42(1) of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Act 2015, the Federal Government on Friday requested the ASBFEO conduct the inquiry; the first to be undertaken by Kate Carnell in her role as Ombudsman.

The investigation will examine the overall effect of the RSRT’s Payments Order on owner-driver businesses, taking into account the period before and after its implementation and subsequent cessation.  The inquiry will also consider the role small businesses can play in the development and operation of tribunals and other similar bodies.

“The anecdotal evidence we’re hearing of the financial difficulties small businesses continue to face as a result of the Payments Order is extremely concerning, so a formal investigation into the extent of the impact is certainly warranted,” Ms Carnell said.

Ms Carnell said the inquiry will consult broadly with stakeholders to establish exactly how widespread situations of financial hardship are across the sector.

“Some owner-drivers are saying the battle to stay afloat has only just begun, as they struggle to stay on the road and try and re-coup the income they were forced to forgo during the weeks of uncertainty triggered by the RSRT, so we’ll be looking for feedback to determine just how prevalent these sorts of cases are,” Ms Carnell said.

Ms Carnell said she is particularly interested in hearing from small businesses who have been subjected to heavy-handed practices from creditors.

“I’ve been made aware of instances whereby people have resorted to borrowing money from family members in order to stay on top of their payments,” Ms Carnell said.

“I once again encourage all creditors, including suppliers, banks and other financial institutions, to show some leniency towards owner-driver small businesspeople who may be struggling financially due to the recent upheaval,” she said.

Further particulars on the inquiry including submission details and reporting dates will be announced shortly. 

In the interim, small businesses can contact the ASBFEO on 1300 650 460 or by visiting the website:


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