National Capital Authority talks future plans for Canberra

THE REVIEW of the National Capital Plan, the Capital Metro light rail project and the future of Floriade are all matters which may be discussed tomorrow when the National Capital Authority (NCA) appears before the Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories Committee.

The NCA manages the Commonwealth’s interest in the planning and development of Canberra by administering the National Capital Plan. The Committee holds biannual hearings with the NCA to enhance transparency and parliamentary accountability applying to the organisation.

Committee Chair, Mr Luke Simpkins MP, said the NCA has been undertaking the first comprehensive review of the National Capital Plan since the plan came into effect in the 1990s.

“We’re interested in discussing the findings of the review, proposed revisions for the Plan and the implications for Canberra more broadly,” Mr Simpkins said.


 Thursday 26 November 2015

Committee Room 1R2, Parliament House, Canberra

10:00 am         Chair’s opening statement

10:05 am         National Capital Authority

11:00 am         Close

All members of the public are welcome to observe proceedings.

The hearing will be webcast at


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