Departments respond to China Australia Free Trade Agreement concerns

PUBLIC hearings on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement will conclude this week, with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and other agencies responding to issues raised throughout the Treaties Committee’s inquiry.

Representatives from Master Builders Australia and Australian Pork Limited will also appear to provide evidence on the impact of the Agreement on their industries.

China provides Australia’s largest agriculture and fisheries market and biggest export market for resources, energy and manufacturing. Chinese investment in Australia has grown strongly in recent years and the country is also Australia’s largest services market.

The Agreement is expected to eliminate or significantly reduce tariffs on a wide range of Australian goods exports including beef, dairy, sheep meat, wine, horticulture and energy and resource products. It also delivers China’s best services commitments to date, including the provision of new or significantly improved market access for financial, legal, education and health and aged care services.

Over six weeks of public hearings across the country, the Committee has heard evidence from a range of witnesses, including representatives from agriculture, manufacturing, business and export groups, academics and unions.

Committee Chair, Mr Wyatt Roy MP, said the inquiry process had helped the Committee understand the impact the Agreement would have on different industries.

“The hearings have helped us understand how the China Australia Free Trade Agreement will affect Australian businesses, particularly the opportunities for growth that it provides,” he said.

“We have also identified key aspects of the Agreement that are concerning some in the community and will seek clarification on these issues from DFAT and other agencies in our final hearing this week.”

The Committee is due to report on the inquiry into the China Australia Free Trade Agreement in October.

Public Hearing:

Monday 7 September 2015

Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House Canberra

10.30am: Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China

1.00pm: Close

The hearing will be broadcast through:

Hearing programs, copies of the treaties and submissions received can be found at:


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