Sydney Genesis – discovering Australia’s next generation of entrepreneurs

A HOME and life management service; a smart phone app connecting healthcare providers and patients and an app that helps the user lose weight are all good ideas but would they make it in the real world?

An ability to apply theory to a “real-world” environment will be a key consideration when Australia’s leading entrepreneurs gather tomorrow (Thursday 28th) to judge the University of Sydney’s first semester Genesis startup program.

Genesis is a pre-incubator program designed to helping students bring their business ideas to life through workshops, mentoring, networking, funding and prizes provided by sponsors Servcorp, Meteorical and Inspiring Rare Birds.

More than 30 teams enrolled in this year’s first semester program. The seven finalists teams will be given five minutes pitch their ideas to the judging panel. Prizes will be awarded in the categories of “Most Disruptive Enterprise” and the “Best Business Plan”.

Sydney Genesis Final Pitch

Date:                Thursday 28th May

Time:               5.00 PM to 8.30 PM

Venue:             Darlington Centre

174 City Road, Darlington, NSW

Contact:          Trevor Watson, 0418 648 099 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                        Cayetana Martinez, 0420 662 942 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


My Home and Life PA - a home and life management service that coordinates and executes personal admin tasks.

Sonder- an E-ink keyboard adapts intuitively to you. Seamlessly switch between any language, shortcuts or custom icons on your keys.

Get Me There China- a full capacity of services comprised of market entry consulting and trading agency services for businesses seeking to access the China market.

Hapy- a revolutionary B2C app bringing health providers and customers together in a fast, easy, convenient and secure way.

Illicit- a comprehensive youth drug education package to address the shortcomings in the current drug education curriculum.

Shape Up Your Life- an app to lose weight guided by nutrition experts, motivating challenges and personal assistants.

Bonjour Babies- helps make bilingualism accessible to kids and parents online and off-line.


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PO Box 2144