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Australian agriculture has finger on India’s pulse

  • Trade

AUSTRALIA’s capabilities as a supplier of high-quality food, services, expertise and technologies that can increase the productivity and efficiency of food value chains were on show during an Australia–India food seminar in New Delhi last week.

At a seminar in New Delhi, delegates learned of how Australian technologies and systems could boost India’s agribusiness yields, while Australia is already India’s supplier of choice for chickpeas and the country’s second largest international supplier of grains and pulses.. 

​Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, Luke Hartsuyker, addressed the seminar at Australia Business Week in India on a range of topics including: food safety and nutrition; food logistics; trading systems; and Australia's clean and green grains and pulses.

“Australian grains and pulses are high quality, safe and can complement India's own production,” Mr Hartsuyker said.

“Australia is India’s provider of choice for chickpeas and the second largest provider of wheat behind Ukraine.

“India was Australia's fifth-largest agricultural export market in 2016–17, valued at more than $3.1 billion.

“With an estimated GDP growth rate of 7.7 percent in 2018, compared to the average of 1.7 percent for G7 economies, India boasts one of the world's fastest growing economies and is forecast to become the third-largest by 2030.”

Mr Hartsuyker said India’s expanding middle class presented a wealth of opportunities for Australian suppliers of high-quality food and services, as well as expertise and technology that can increase the efficiency of food value chains in India.

“There are great opportunities to expand trade in wool, cotton, oilseeds, edible oils, lamb, and horticulture — particularly for tree nuts through increased demand for our counter seasonal Australian production,” Mr Hartsuyker said.

“There is huge potential for both countries to build on mutually-beneficial trade and I am eager to promote Australia's premium agricultural sectors and help pave the way for new business opportunities.”

