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New air tracking system mandated 2017

A NEW aviation tracking system to allow air traffic controllers to accurately ‘see’ aircraft in parts of Australia with no radar coverage is being mandated from February 2017.

Owners and operators of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft must ensure their aircraft are fitted with Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) technology from February 2 next year.

Airservices Australia said all IFR aircraft flying in Australian airspace must be equipped with ADS-B – and already the industry had made a strong start. 

Airservices executive general manager for Air Navigation Services, Stephen Angus, said the Australian aviation industry already had more than 82 percent of IFR aircraft flying with ADS-B now.

“I would like to congratulate those operators and owners who have already fitted with ADS-B and are seeing the real benefits the technology offers,” Mr Angus said.

“I would also encourage those who have not yet fitted their aircraft with ADS-B to make sure they do before 2 February 2017.”

There are around 1000 IFR aircraft that still need to be fitted in Australia prior to the mandate which includes about 90 of Australia’s IFR helicopter fleet.

Operators that are already fitted are gaining the benefits of improved air traffic surveillance coverage across the continent, enhanced situational awareness and an increased likelihood of obtaining their preferred flight levels or altitudes.

“ADS-B has proven to offer a significant increase in situational awareness for our pilots,” CHC Helicopter pilot and Jandakot base manager for Western Australia’s RAC Rescue Helicopter Service, said Mick Perren,

“When operating out of Jandakot Airport, certainly one of the busiest airports in Australia, instead of just getting an icon on the traffic display, with ADS-B we get more information about the traffic. We get a much better picture of what is happening around us and this is where we have seen the biggest advantage.”

Airservices has long been a leader in investing in new technology to improve efficiency and safety for our airspace users, with Australia the first country in the world to commission a continent-wide ADS-B surveillance network in 2009.