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Few weeks left to apply for Horizon agri scholarships

“GOING to Canberra with fellow scholars to speak to MPs and Ministers involved in agriculture, about the issues that directly affect farmers, was an experience I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”

That is how Finnlay Cowden gave an insight into life as a Horizon Scholar, having just finished his first year of an agricultural economics degree at Sydney University. 

Students entering an agriculture-related course in 2015 have the opportunity to apply for a Horizon Scholarship and experience the same opportunities Mr Cowden has benefited from, but time is running out.

Applications for the 2015 Horizon Scholarship Program are open until January 30 and all eligible students are being encouraged to apply by the program's manager, the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC).

Successful applicants enter a program which provides not just financial support for the duration of their degree, but also includes access to a network which is second to none.

The Horizon Scholarship Program, co-ordinated and managed by the RIRDC, brings benefits to students including a bursary of $5,000 per year for the duration of their degree.

There are also opportunities to network and gain knowledge at a range of industry events and there are also annual industry work placements, giving first-hand exposure to modern agricultural practices.

The program also offers access to professional development workshops.

Ashlee Hammond completed her Bachelor of Agricultural Science in three years at Latrobe University in Bundoora, and in 2014 she did an honours project in dairy nutrition at the same university, all supported by the Horizon Scholarship.

“There is so much support available for a student looking to study agriculture, but the Horizon Scholarship offers the best support available,” Ms Hammond said. “Horizon pushes your boundaries and gives you opportunities that would never have otherwise been possible – do it!” she enthused.

Horizon Scholarship program manager, Margo Andrae said the scholarship is run with a range of industry partners, who both financially support the program and also make industry placements possible.

“While the annual bursary is attractive for many prospective scholars, in time we find that it’s the industry placements and subsequent network growth that is the most valuable for scholars,” Ms Andrae said. “Without our valuable industry partners, our scholarship program simply wouldn’t be as unique and powerful as it is.”

Applications for the Horizon Scholarship are being taken through until  January 30, 2015.

Also on Facebook and Twitter @HorizonScholar.

