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Downes Group at cutting edge of AR

AUGMENTED reality (AR) is about to metamorphosise the surveying industry and Queensland Leaders 2016 executive member, Downes Group, is at the sharp end of its adoption.Downes Group is as the cutting edge of using augmented reality to make a quantum leap in surveying.

“Surveyors are spatial data experts,” Downes Group operations manager Tony Vella said.

“We work in centimetre accurate GPS, robotic and scanning environments. Innovations in emerging spatial and measurement technology are where our industry leaders are found.

“At Downes, we see that (AR) devices – headsets, tablets, and glasses – may soon allow us to access real time professional data as we move and work, bolstering quality management in field,” Mr Vella said.

Mr Vella said state governments across Australia were developing strategy for an augmented reality vision of land data management. 

“As this vison becomes real, what we as surveyors do in the field will be very different to how we work now,” he said.

“Live real time reality, enhanced by computer aided technology, is about to burst into our lives professionally and socially,” Mr Vella said. “Think Tony Stark, Iron Man, the super intelligent flying suit – that’s augmented reality.

“Interpretive sight and sound sensory tech with you live assisted by ‘spatially accurate’ GPS (global positioning systems),” Mr Vella said was Downes Group’s vision for future surveying in the future.

He said AR was not to be confused with virtual reality (VR), where reality is replaced. AR lays useful information across the top of real views.

“Augmented reality has potential across many industries including education, medical, search and rescue, sports and entertainment, marketing, tourism, mining, the list is endless,” Mr Vella said.

 “We utilise cutting edge technology now, like our 12d modelling software, our robotic and GPS/GNSS equipment, but this alone does not equal success.”

Downes Group said there were many factors beyond the technologies they have developed that drive the company’s success.

“So what else helps us succeed? Our internationally accredited Integrated Management System does,” Mr Vella said.

“Ensuring seamless quality spatial data and communication does. Good response times, continuous improvement, and our titling and consulting expertise does too. 

“Our passion for the delivery of outstanding results for our clients is essential,” Mr Vella said.

“This all allows us to work across the development industry, assist design of state roads and national infrastructure projects, spatially control construction projects, work with all levels of government, and do what we do.”