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State Library research fellowships award up to $20,000

THE State Library of Queensland’s annual history research fellowships, for awards of up to $20,000, are open for nominations until March 16.

State Librarian Janette Wright has invited applications for both the John Oxley Library Fellowship supported by the Queensland Library Foundation ($20,000) and the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame Fellowship ($15,000). 

The fellowships, as part of the broader Queensland Memory Awards, are awarded annually to acknowledge excellence and innovation in historical research and to foster future exploration into our state’s history.

“Each year State Library selects two Fellows as our resident researchers to contribute to a greater understanding of Queensland’s heritage,” Ms Wright said.

“Applications are welcomed from people of all professional backgrounds and historical interests as fellowship outcomes may be quite diverse,” she said.

“Projects may include a publication, an online engagement, a cultural activity or product, or a curatorial contribution to the John Oxley Library collection.

“These fellowships enable researchers to investigate our state’s past, and to find innovative ways to uncover and share this history with others.”

In addition to the stipend, the successful fellows will each be provided with a personal workspace in the Neil Roberts Research Lounge within the John Oxley Library where they have ready access to State Library’s rich resources as well as staff expertise.

Since 2004, fellows have delved into the unique collections in the John Oxley Library to research, evaluate and document forgotten narratives across diverse topics including architecture, migration, classical music, politics, and Queensland’s ongoing ties with Pacific and South Sea Islander peoples.

The current John Oxley Library fellow, Thomas Blake, is using the John Oxley Library collections in the completion of his project Liquid Gold: the history of the Great Artesian Basin in Queensland.

Mr Blake will be giving a free public talk at State Library on February 19, discussing his research to date into the Great Artesian Basin and its role in serving and sustaining more than 30 Queensland towns.

Now in its second year, the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame Fellowship is awarded for a proposed research project that examines an aspect of Queensland’s business history.

The fellowship facilitates deeper engagement with State Library’s business records, so Queenslanders can learn the stories of the state’s commercial, social and economic development.

The inaugural Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame Fellowship was awarded to fashion innovators Madeleine King and Nadia Buick (The Fashion Archives) for their project to examine 12 key Queensland businesses and their impact on the communities around them.

This fellowship is an initiative of the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame, a partnership between State Library of Queensland, the Queensland Library Foundation and QUT Business School.

Applications for both Fellowships close on March 16, 2015.

The winners will be announced on May 28 at the annual Queensland Memory Awards Ceremony, alongside the recipients of the John Oxley Library Award and the John Oxley Library Community History Award.

The State Library is a Queensland Leaders Industry Partner.

