Australia has a strong and growing defence industry and in Queensland around 42 per cent of the Army, representing close to 70 per cent of the Australia’s fighting force, along with its vehicle fleets, is now based here. Together with RAAF Base Amberley, Australia’s largest air force base, Queensland has the highest military presence in Australia.
The business of defence is growing and in Queensland, the opportunities are immense, not just for the defence primes, but for a swag of industry sectors including technology, security, advanced manufacturing, investment and trade.
Join former Defence Minister and former head of the Australian War Memorial The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson AO, President – Boeing, Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific, for a unique perspective on an industry at the cutting edge of security and protection – the way forward and the potential for greater Australian/US collaborations. He will speak about The Australia-US Alliance – Our Interests are our Values, and the importance of this industry to the Australian economy.