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AIIA Event - Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party

AIIA Event - Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party



Australian Institute of International Affairs

Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party

Join AIIA QLD, Carl Hinze and historian, John Fitzgerald, for a discussion of John's new book, Cadre Country: How China Became the Chinese Communist Party. 

When: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 6pm until 7pm
Where: Holding Redlich, Level 1, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane 

This is event is free for AIIA members from all states. Non-members pay $10 and student non-members $5

To register and pay, click here

You can attend this event in-person or view it online. If attending in person, please arrive at Holding Redlich at 5.30pm for registration and drinks.  

Details for viewing online: After registering, on June 7 you will receive a follow-up confirmation email containing further details on how to join the webinar which will commence at 6pm AEST.  If you have not received an email by early afternoon, please check your junk folder. 

About the Book 

Since the founding of the Communist Party in China just over a century ago there is much the country has achieved. But who does the heavy lifting in China? And who walks away with the spoils? Cadre Country places the spotlight on the nation's 40 million cadres- the managers and government officials employed by the ruling Communist Party to protect its great enterprise- and shows how the Communist Party operates in China and how the stories the party tells about itself are based on thin foundations. 

The book pays attention to the history, language, culture, and organisation of the Communist Party but maintains a relentless focus on what has become of China since the Global Financial Crisis, in particular since Xi Jinping came to power. It maintains that the party is in the act of swallowing a liberalised society, a marketized economy, and a diverse country. This matters for Australia because what China's government does at home frames its conduct abroad. 

About the Speaker

John Fitzgerald is an historian of China and the Chinese diaspora. He headed the Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy at Swinburne University after serving five years as China Representative of The Ford Foundation in Beijing (2008-13). From 2015 to 2017 he served as President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. His recent books include Cadre Country:  How China became the Chinese Communist Party (2022), Taking the Low Road: China’s Influence in Australia’s States and Territories (edited, 2022), and Chinese Diaspora Charity and the Cantonese Pacific, 1850–1949 (edited with Hon-ming Yip, 2020). Earlier books include Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia (2007), awarded the Ernest Scott Prize of the Australian Historical Association, and Awakening China: Politics, Culture and Class in the Nationalist Revolution (1997), awarded the Joseph Levenson Prize of the US Association for Asian  Studies.  He is a graduate of the University of Sydney (BA 1976), Nanjing University (Language Cert 1977) and ANU (PhD 1983). 

Main picture: Baoji city cadre training class [Wikipedia Commons]. Picture of John Fitzgerald [AFR]. 

Kind Regards,

David Costello



0403 777 541

Event Properties

Event Date 07/06/2022
Event End Date 07/06/2022
Location Holding Redlich Lawyers