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Qld-Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry Bonenkai year-end Networking

Qld-Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry Bonenkai year-end Networking

QJCCI event reminder

'Bonenkai' Year-End Networking

December 5, Stamford Plaza Brisbane

It's that time of the year again!

2024 has seen Australia-Japan ties reach new peaks as the two nations ramp up engagement across everything from clean energy industries such as green hydrogen to sporting and security cooperation and regional diplomacy.

The year ahead promises even greater engagement across business, trade, cultural and security ties, with Japan launching itself on the international stage through events such as Expo 2025 Osaka.

Join the QJCCI on Thursday evening, December 5 to see out Japan's Year of the Dragon and look ahead to an even brighter 2025, the Year of the Snake, with leading members of the Queensland-Japan business and government community at our ever popular 'bonenkai' year-end networking. 

VIP attendees include Japan's newly appointed Consul-General, who will officially open the evening with a celebratory toast. 

The unrivalled Brisbane riverside location offered by QJCCI Premium Member, Stamford Plaza Brisbane will provide a magnificent backdrop to the evening.

This cocktail event will feature 2 hours (5.30pm - 7.30pm) of delicious canapes along with beers and wines and non-alcoholic drinks.
Reserve your place now via the link below (for any enquiries regarding your booking, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The dress code for this event is business casual.

Event Details

* When: Thursday, 5 December 2024 from 5.30pm - 7.30pm Qld time
* Where: Stamford Plaza Brisbane, cnr Edward and Margaret St, Brisbane
* Pricing: QJCCI Regular Members $85 (NB: Financial members of the QJCCI only)
JCCIB Members $85
Guests (Non-Members) $105
QJCCI Premium Members - 1 representative free; additional guests @ member rate 
* RSVP via the "Register Now" button below or this link:
Register Now

The QJCCI wishes to acknowledge and thank our
Premium Members

Our mailing address is:
PO BOX 2661 Brisbane QLD 4000

Event Properties

Event Date 05/12/2024
Event End Date 05/12/2024
Location Stamford Plaza Brisbane

Location Map