Key Business Connections - Intuition for Decision Making with Craigh Wilson

I would like to invite you to How to access and use your intuition in life and in small business with guest speaker, Craigh Wilson. He will be teaching us how to effectively make decisions by using our intuition.

Hope to see you there,
- Julie
Craigh Wilson

Our intuition forms a vital part of how we make decisions in life and business, yet many of us don’t know how to properly tap into it – and when not to, In #1 Amazon U.S. best-seller, Intuitive Craigh Wilson, provides a practical guide to understanding and using your intuition in both professional and personal circumstances. With over a decade of experience helping thousands of clients from the everyday person through to Fortune 500 leaders, Craigh Wilson provides unique insights into how to maximise and leverage your intuition in an increasingly demanding world.

How many times have you had a gut reaction to something – a person, a job, or a situation – that didn’t quite feel right? 

Did you follow it? 

In this intriguing presentation Craigh will show you 5 important steps to making important decisions quickly
Step 1: Settling your mind
Step 2: Emotional Release
Step 3: Physical Whole Body Release
Step 4:Becoming Centred and Grounded
Step 5:Making powerful decisions quickly
Here is where to be and how to register!
WHEN: Friday, 20th April
TIME: 6:40am for 7am start
VENUE: Clovely Estate | 210 Musgrave Road, Red Hill
About Our Speaker
Craigh has over 30 years’ experience in health, meditation, energetic, physiological, mental, emotional healing, optimal living and transforming business.

Craigh has the intuitive ability to see, feel and connect to the human body and businesses and effect change at the core of the issue as to the symptom. 

Having experienced and healed from a life-threatening illness while being a successful international business executive with intuitive healing, Craigh has empowered thousands of intuitive healings and consultations for international clients including various medical, life and business challenges. He has also assisted with opportunities, relationships, life purpose, heart issues, genetic defects, depression, viruses, tumors, emotional Issues, physical pain and injury. 

In short, "Craigh can help you".

Key Business Connection, 7 Coleman St, Graceville QLD 4075, Australia

Event Properties

Event Date 20/04/2018
Event End Date 20/04/2018
Clovelly Estate Cellar Door
210 Musgrave Rd, Red Hill QLD 4059, Australia
Clovelly Estate Cellar Door
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