Consult Australia Breakfast Panel: Increasing Indigenous Participation

Increasing Indigenous Participation - Breakfast Panel

Indigenous Australian culture and way of life is at least 60,000 years old, making it the oldest living culture on earth.  When Australia was declared ‘terra nullius’ (no-one’s land), the culture of Indigenous Australians was threatened and their human rights and status as a nation was not recognised. The Colonisation of Australia had a profoundly negative impact on Indigenous Australians, leaving a legacy of intergenerational trauma that is still experienced today.

Australian businesses and the people who work for them have an opportunity as well as a duty to respect, value and celebrate Indigenous history, culture and knowledge to acknowledge the past and move together into the future. 

This event will support us all to learn and grow and move toward answering the questions:

  • How can we educate our leaders to effectively listen, learn and value Indigenous peoples’ knowledge of the land, water and sky, so we can effectively respect, partner and deliver our projects? 
  • How can we evolve our relationship with Indigenous peoples to realise an aspiration where Australian businesses shift towards empowerment, confidence and Indigenous engagement and partnership being simply ‘the way we work.’
  • How can we educate, empower and support our non-Indigenous people and communities to have a deeper appreciation, awareness and sense of responsibility towards Indigenous relationships, as well as enable commercial opportunities?

Join us as we hear a presentation by SA Water about the journey they have been on in their aspiration to improve Australian Indigenous participation.

Shouwn Oosting, Principal Consultant KSJ Consulting / SA Water Representative

Shouwn will provide a presentation on Indigenous procurement strategies relating to the SA Water major Framework Agreement.

Followed by a panel conversation with:

Susannne Panagaris, Business Development Manager at The Circle – First Nations Entrepreneau Hub – Lot Fourteen - Department of the Premier and Cabinet

David Mallett, Managing Director, Yanun Project Services (Indigenous Project Management SME)

Kiara Johnson, Managing Director KSJ Consulting (Indigenous Advisory Specialists)

Event Details

Date:  Thursday 25th November 2021

Time: 7:15am - 9:00am

Venue: Hilton Adelaide, 233 Victoria Square

Cost: $90 (Members); $120 (Non-Members) (inc GST)

To enhance the safety of everyone in attendance as we transition back to face-to-face events, only vaccinated guests will be able to attend and we appreciate your cooperation with this requirement.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any queries.

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With thanks to our sponsors


Event Properties

Event Date 25/11/2021
Event End Date 25/11/2021
Hilton Adelaide
233 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
Hilton Adelaide
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