Brisbane Air Show - New Dates July 2-3 2022




2nd and 3rd July, 2022

Owing to recent lockdown restrictions beyond our control, it is with deep regret that we must announce that the Brisbane Airshow, originally due to take place at the Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of July 2021, has been postponed.

Based on these restrictions and our commitment to deliver a safe Airshow, the event has been postponed to the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of July, 2022.

Government imposed COVID lockdown restrictions, designed to reduce the increasing risk of the Delta and Alpha variants of COVID, now prevents key flight crew, Aviation Expo, Display Aircraft, and patrons from attending the show. This directly affects our ability to deliver a safe airshow.

The aggressive nature of the COVID Delta variant and the inevitable disruption to this weekend’s event schedule, has moved us to adopt a stance which supports our community’s health and our commitment to deliver a quality Airshow.


COVID requires a collective response. Please ‘roll’ with us to the 16th and 17th of October 2021 and enjoy one of Australia’s finest Airshows, where we will be better placed to deliver a healthier, safer, wider immunised airshow.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, patrons, suppliers, and aeronautical fans for their contribution to the Brisbane Airshow. Without your support the show simply could not go on.

The postponement options available to you are as follows:

• Keep your current ticket and turn up on the corresponding dates in JULY 2022, or
• Apply for a refund.

Log into your member's area, and make your choice now:


The Brisbane AIrshow, is located at Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield, which is on the Brisbane River, at the base of Mount Brisbane, in the Brisbane Valley, in South East Queensland Australia.

It is approximately 7km from the country town of Esk, an easy 1 to 1½ hours drive from the state’s capital city Brisbane.

To the south of the airfield is the particularly scenic Brisbane Valley area featuring open rolling pastures and cleared farming country bordering the Wivenhoe Dam.

To the north and west is the Great Dividing Range – gateway to the Darling Downs and beyond. A short flight to the east passes the grand Glass House Mountains en route to the most picturesque bay and beach scenery imaginable.

Get tickets online here:


Event Properties

Event Date 02/07/2022
Event End Date 03/07/2022
Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield
801 Cressbrook Caboonbah Rd, Cressbrook QLD 4313
Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield
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