AIEA Brisbane Networking Breakfast - Bryan Worn on Selling Your Professional Services
Our next event is on Tuesday 4th June at 10 am at the IML Member Lounge on Level 16, 40 Creek Street Brisbane. Join us when Brian Worn FAIEA will present 'Selling your Professional Services'. If you can make it along and haven’t already registered, please Register Now. When people start their own consulting firm or professional practice, they take on the task of acquiring work as well as doing the work. It is often difficult to get appointments with prospective clients so making the most of the opportunities you get is crucial to success. It is a constant process as we all need new clients as engagements and contracts end. Being prepared for and controlling a client engagement (sales) meeting gives the consultant the best chance of success. Most organisations have a requirement that they receive more than one proposal, so you must accept the fact that somebody is going to miss out and having the right process and skills for that engagement meeting reduces the odds of it being you who misses out. One of our members has volunteered to be the prospective client and Bryan will sell that member’s services back to him. Bryan is one of Australia’s most experienced and respected professional services practice mentors. He is on a mission to help professionals have both a successful practice and enjoy a personal life. Harnessing the energy of the professional practitioner with his experience and wisdom creates the momentum to achieve the objectives of the practice. Based in Brisbane, he works with professional services organisations and SMEs (he dislikes the term ‘small business”), looking to take that next step – whether it be growing their practice into a business, elevating their revenue or profits and enjoying the life they want. Don’t miss this presentation at 10 am next Tuesday. The event is free to Members (and their guests) and just $10 for non-members. If you haven't met Bryan before, this is an excellent opportunity to do so. We need to provide the attendance numbers before the event. So please book now whilst it is in your mind. The primary theme of all AIEA events is networking so remember to bring your business cards. I hope to see you then. Thanks, Mal...
Mal Walker CEO
FAIEA FIML MAuSAE C.dec This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Direct: 0447 394 247
Event Properties
Event Date
04/06/2019 |
Event End Date
04/06/2019 |
IML Brisbane Member Lounge
16/40 Creek St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia
IML Brisbane Member Lounge