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Digital marketing leader Bradshaw offers canny tips for Christmas

CHRISTMAS is such a highly competitive time of year for businesses – and for some it can be make-or-break – that often the ‘busyness’ of the season causes some to let their marketing drift.

Sponsored Linx founder and CEO Ben Bradshaw said overlooking marketing at this time of year is a risk that can carry over into next year’s performance.

“Slowing down the natural momentum of marketing of your business over Christmas, simply because it’s the holiday season, is a very dangerous attitude to possess,” Mr Bradshaw said.

He advocates upping the tempo through social media marketing over Christmas.

“Be visible and connect with your clients in your Christmas digital marketing,” Mr Bradshaw said. “To stand out, be personal and use video.”

A large majority of customers who ‘leave’ brands do so because they feel the brand has been indifferent toward them, according to Mr Bradshaw.  

Ben Bradshaw

“What’s more personal, and retention-focused,  than a tailored ‘Christmas wishes’ video sent to your most engaged connections or customers?” he asked.Mr Bradshaw has named video as the type of content with the highest return on investment (ROI). Some of his clients have had Christmas videos sent to hundreds of people via social media, each one including a different name or message.

“Video is becoming a key marketing tool for businesses of all sizes,” Mr Bradshaw said.

“At SponsoredLinx we recommend continuation of online marketing and advertising during December when competitors are often putting their businesses on hold. Cost per click is cheaper and impression shares are higher which means that campaigns are gaining greater exposure at a cheaper rate.

“Looking from the bottom-line, as we all obsessively do, it means that your cost-per-acquisition will fall during the December period,” he said.

“Never forget that January is the month when everyone returns to work. Businesses across all industries often view January as a slow month, as sales departments start to re-arm their war chests again and undertake active fulfilment of their leads and sales pipelines during the festive season. This allows businesses to transition back into full operation seamlessly without any downtime or quiet period.

“We have found some small business owners quite often find it difficult to make a clear distinction between themselves and their own business as separate entities. Simply because the business owner is going on holiday does not necessarily translate to the business being placed on hiatus – nor should it.

“From a technical point of view within pay-per-click advertising, business accounts that are using these services can actually go backwards if they are frozen. All of that hard-work and money spent on getting these accounts into money-making machines can be placed into jeopardy by simply succumbing to the urge of implementing a pause on the account,” Mr Bradshaw said.

“There’s absolutely no problem trying to save some money while maintaining and even increasing your exposure. You may be able to even drop bids on expensive keywords without harming your exposure.

“Businesses should never see Christmas as a time to close up shop. View it as a lucrative opportunity to accelerate your business ahead of the pack, and get the New Year off to a successful start,” Mr Bradshaw said.

