Health span is as important as life span – enter FutureLab

By Leon Gettler, Talking Business >>

SINCE Covid-19, the big focus everywhere has been on human ‘health span’ as well as life span.

To respond to questions being raised about potential health and life spans, Melrose Heath has set up FutureLab, creating Australia’s first over-the-counter range of longevity supplements.

Melrose Health CEO Nathan Cheong said the lab had essentially developed supplements addressing four health problems as we age: cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease and metabolic health issues. 

The supplements have been launched with one of Melrose’s pharmacy partners, Chemist Warehouse, and also across other pharmacies and health food outlets, as well as online. People can buy these product anywhere through the Melrose Health’s online shop.

“I saw an opportunity to elevate a product range that hasn’t really been focused on in the Australian market,” Mr Cheong told Talking Business.

“As it happens, longevity is hot right now. Everyone is talking about health span versus life span, which ultimately means how you can function and do the things you do today in the later years of your life, so that you’re not living with disease, you’re not living with debilitation that stops you from doing the things you like to do,” he said.

“What we did was, we formulated a product range around those four drivers of disease and we’re probably Australia’s first brand to do that.

“The products that we launched are around cellular longevity which is the cornerstone of how we age, our DNA replication.”

The products include NAD Plus, or DNA Repair, to focus heart health and vascular health, as well as products pertaining to inflammation – which is a big factor in chronic disease – and a product around cellular health which is about the clearing of dead cells out of our systems.

Supplementing de-stress

There are also products addressing stress, people’s sleep and muscle health because “we know as we age our muscles catabolise (break down instead of grow).”

There are also products that address cognition and memory. There is another product around immunity.

The company also has another 10-15 products it intends to launch over the next 12 months.

“Over the course of the last 12 to 18 months, we’ve been scouring the globe for the best ingredients, the most bio-available ingredients to bring them together in a form that really doesn’t have any competition in the Australian market at this point in time,” Mr Cheong said.

It’s all part of the bigger picture of people taking steps to stay healthy as they age. The supplements are just that – they are not magic pills.

Holistic approach: more to it than pills

“As a qualified practitioner, I think the most important things about health span and life span is exercise, a combination of strength training and cardiovascular training, you need to be doing that at least five times a week,” Mr Cheong said.

“The next part is around diet and ensuring you have a diet that is predominantly whole foods and you take processed foods out of your diet. You take seed oils out of your diet and you take sugar out of your diet. And you have a high-quality protein source so that you can retain your muscle mass.

“And then there’s sleep, and sleep is important because it impacts so many areas of your life.”

The other pillar is having strong connections with family, friends and neighbours.

“If you’re doing those things, you’re doing extremely well,” Mr Cheong said.

“The supplements that we bring to the market are the icing on the cake. They’re the extra levers you can pull to optimise your heath span.”


Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at


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