Bob’s your platform to make complex employee management ‘groovy’

By Leon Gettler, Talking Business >>

HIBOB is the global company behind ‘Bob the HR platform’ which is transforming how organisations operate in today’s ‘world of work’.

HiBob is a modern people management platform. What distinguishes HiBob from other platforms is that it is designed to be one that all employees can benefit from. Specifically, these platforms are built as human resources (HR) tools for HR teams.

“In the modern world of work, where you’ve got employees working remotely, globally, the ability of all employees to benefit from a single platform where they can connect, communicate and be attached to the mission, the vision, the values and be recognised – it’s a huge difference between how traditional HIS models have been built,” HiBob country manager for Australia and New Zealand, Damian Andreasen told Talking Business.

He said this allowed HiBob to operate in multiple countries and to move very quickly. 

Mr Andreasen said HiBob had a wide market. It will work with companies that are 50 employees, and scaling quickly, “all the way to companies with 5000-6000 employees”.



Many of the companies using HiBob are locally based with regional offices that have issues with remote work and keeping employees attached to the organisation.

The platform also deals with a lot of multinational corporations that might be moving into the second or third region and need a system with the flexibility to support the complexity that comes with moving into new markets.

“Anyone who is investing in their employee experience, who want to make sure their employees have really good recognition and a great career journey, they are traditionally in more modern industries,” Mr Andreasen said.

“We work in a lot of tech, bio, finance, professional services, all the way through to construction companies as well. Anyone who is looking to retain and get their best out of their employees.”

Mr Andreasen said a lot of companies were still dealing with these complex issues using spreadsheets.

“You’d be amazed at how many organisations have grown at such a rapid scale and pace that they just haven’t put the systems in to help them grow in the way that they need to,” he said.

“We can talk to a 50-employee company that’s using spreadsheets and that’s not such a surprise. There’s also plenty of companies out there with 500, 2000, 5000 employees that are still operating, especially with compensation and talent management, on spreadsheets, and that is difficult to get a single source of truth.”



Mr Andreasen pointed out that HiBob has the technology to retain and search detail simply and it allows companies to examine employees in a more focussed way, right down to how engaged they are their compensation planning.

Mr Andreasen said HiBob can take it from “hire to retire”.

“The partners we work with want a real view of their teams and their employees,” Mr Andreasen said. “This allows them to work in more detail with these employees.

“So you’ve got this single source of truth, you’ve got the ability for organisational charts, do workforce planning for the future. You’ve got talent modules that allow you to do one-on-ones, do employee lifecycles, see trends up and down in terms of the engagement and happiness of the employee base and also do compensation planning,” he said.

“HiBob is very much an end-to-end people management platform.”

Mr Andreasen said Singapore specifically and South East Asia in general are big growth markets for HiBob.


Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at




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