COAG Industry and Skills Council formed


AUSTRALIAN Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane chaired the inaugural meeting of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Industry and Skills Council in Brisbane on April 3, attended by state and territory ministers.

The council is a key part of the Australian Government’s plan to create a more effective and efficient skills and training system with a focus on providing practical, job-ready skills that employers want, Mr Macfarlane said.

The Industry and Skills Council (CISC) was created after a streamlining of the COAG structure announced in December, putting greater emphasis on national priorities and delivering practical outcomes, he said.

The council’s first meeting focused on industry priorities, including growth sectors of the future, a de-regulation agenda, energy costs and workplace productivity.

 “For the first time today, we had Ministers responsible for industry and skills at the one table to discuss how the training sector can better support workforce needs across state and territory borders,” Mr Macfarlane said.

The council agreed on objectives to reform the vocational education and training (VET) sector which, Mr Macfarlane said, “under six years of Labor became over regulated and complicated, which has in turn discouraged businesses from undertaking new training programs”.

“The Australian Government understands that building a highly skilled workforce is central to driving business innovation and industry expansion,” Mr Macfarlane said. “We want to encourage more businesses to engage in training, which will create new job opportunities and boost Australia’s international competitiveness across a range of industries

“Through our VET reform process we’re working with stakeholders to build a flexible, high quality national training system. I am delighted that my State and Territory colleagues share that goal.  I look forward to continuing to work with them.”

“It’s now more important than ever that the Government gets rid of the red tape, regulation and unnecessary cost burdens that are standing in the way of investor confidence to create new investment and new jobs,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“The Australian Government is moving ahead with our plans to get rid of the carbon tax and the mining tax in order to cut business costs, as well as reinstating the Australian Building and Construction Commission.”

Mr Macfarlane said through the council Australian governments have combined to make a new commitment to ensure industry has the skilled workforce and operating environment it needs to boost the nation’s productivity and increase international competitiveness.



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