Mining and resources job seekers like industry's flexibility

JOB SEEKERS in Australian mining and resources like the industry's flexible work arrangements - and an increasing number of those job seekers are women. These are among the findings of a new Jobseeker Index developed for the Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA), which show that 30 percent of all people showing an interest in a resource industry career are women.

Job seekers are attracted to the resources industries because of flexibility - and today more applicants are women


It is an interesting development, according to the woman who heads up the AMMA site, which developed the Jobseeker Index, Kyla Jones.

"While men remain the dominant demographic, it is encouraging that 30 percent of all people showing interest in a resource industry career are women," said website director, Ms Jones.

"This shows collective employer efforts to attract more women and increase the traditional 15 percent female participation rate, are gaining momentum."

Ms Jones said the results also showed that the remote locations, diverse opportunities and flexible nature on offer within the resources industry were seeing more jobseekers gather career information online.

While trade-qualified men aged 35-55 remain the largest group of resource industry jobseekers, the demographic index reveals a range of surprising traits among people actively pursuing careers across Australia's mining, oil and gas sectors.

"The index shows jobseekers typically have more than 15 years experience in the workforce and varying degrees of education, though many hold diplomas, certificates or trade qualifications," Ms Jones said.

"Many are hoping to progress their career within the industry or want to transfer from another sector and take advantage of the benefits a resource career offers.

"Jobseekers also appear to be open to flexible work arrangements, including a range of FIFO (fly-in-fly-out) rosters with two-weeks on, one-week off being the most popular choice."

Ms Jones said the AMMA Jobseeker Index has been developed to analyse the trends, motivations and demographics of resource industry jobseekers and the first edition (June 2013) has delivered wide ranging results. The index will be published every six months.

"Networking online and visiting career websites exposes jobseekers to greater opportunities than the local paper or recruitment firm," Ms Jones said.

"People interested in mining, oil and gas careers are proving to be very tech-savvy, with 62 percent actively searching through social media channels such as Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook."

Other key findings from the AMMA Jobseekers Index include:

  • 72 percent of jobseekers are aged 35 or older;
  • Men represent 70 percent of the jobseeker audience with an average age of 42;
  • 61 percent of jobseekers have more than 15 years of workforce experience;
  • 23 percent are Degree educated; 48 percent are qualified to Diploma, Trade or Certificate I, II, III;
  • Almost a third (32%) hail from Queensland, followed by 18 percent in Western Australia;
  • Jobseekers are largely motivated by career progression or a change in industry;
  • Jobseekers value information on career development more than other non-salary benefits;
  • Workers experienced in skilled trades, administration, management, engineering and construction represented the largest respondent groups.

Ms Jones said the  AMMA Jobseeker Index was compiled from a national survey of 1,045 visitors to the resource industry owned-and-operated careers website, AMMA The index tracks key demographics, lifestyle and job search trends to provide a biannual report on the national resource industry jobseeker audience and recruitment landscape.




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